God uses imperfect people because they're easy for others to relate to. Don't let your issues of today keep you from reaching out to grab tomorrow's blessings.
Was blessed to spend time with family this week as we celebrated the birth of our savior Jesus Christ. Lord thank you for taking away my desire for drugs and alcohol and I pray that this site will be a blessing for others next year.
Addictions? Abuse? Depression? Need a safe place to express yourself or look for help ? Join for free today
With the holiday seasons around the corner many of us will be fortunate enough to spend time with loved ones. Many will also mourn the lost of those that are no longer with us, and some may feel the urge to turn to an addiction to try to dull the unpleasant feelings. If this is you, you're not alone and you do not have to get high to try to feel better for a moment. Stay strong if you are struggling and if you're in need of a place to vent or express yourself then this site is for you. So take a moment and share what's on your mind.